Have a custom image you want added to leatherwork? This is STEP 1! For Leonidas Leatherworks, I choose to examine customer's designs before agreeing to use them on custom work. Not all designs are suitable to leatherwork. Some will be suitable to multiple application options such as laser etch, custom stamp creation, or hand tooling. Some will be suitable to…
If...1) You submitted a custom image for approval, 2) have received an email from leonidasleatherworks@gmail.com indicating that your design is APPROVED for certain application methods and, 3) would now like to add that approved image to a project... you are in the right place. This is Step 2! Add your approved imaged to the image uploader found below. Select from…
Reminder: Leatherwork is officially on hold until March while I remodel the website and add new production elements. Please be patient with all order deliveries! Thank-you. Dismiss